Alle projecten


 Een lijst met weergave van projectlocatie, land, jaar, titel en gemeente van gerealiseerde projecten in Afrika door Stichting Basic Education Care (EDUCARE)

01. ABGOZUME (Ghana, 1996): project ‘Logove Preparatory School building’ at Logove-Agbozume, Ketu District 
02. ACCRA* (Ghana, 2005 -?): project Schoolcomplex school in slum-suburb Ashongman, Greater Accra District 
03. ACCRA (Ghana, 2007): project Capacity Building Efforts: Access for Computer-use , F. Nyame, Journalist Ministry of Heath, Accra, Ghana 
04. ACCRA (Ghana, 2006) project ‘Coordination 16-23 July 2006 Ambulance Facility Study in Holland for Ghana Health Service, Accra-Ghana 
05. ADINA (Ghana, 2009-?) project ‘Adina Women fishing and eco firewood production initiative’, Ketu District 
06. ADINA (Ghana, 2005) project ‘Outboardmotor for Koblatse Asinyo Fishery Group', Ketu District; 
07. ADZABLIKOFE (Ghana, 2006) project ‘Drinking water provisions’ at Adjablikope-Akame, Ketu District 
08. AGBEVEKOPE (Togo, 2009 -?): project ' Agbevekope eco firewoodproduction initiatieve) Lome East (Republic of Togo) 
09 AGBOGBOME (Ghana, 2008-?) project ‘Tree-Planting for eco-education’at Nanteme, Ketu District 
10. AKAME (Ghana, 1994) project ‘Junior High School building’ at Akame, Ketu District; 
11. AKAME-VUDOME (Ghana, 1996) project ‘Educare Demonstration poultry-farm’ at Akame-Vudome, Ketu District; 
12. BAWKU (Ghana, 2004): project ‘Eye Clinic Capacity-building’ at Bawku Presbyterian Hospital (Ghana) and Leeds Hospital (UK), Bawku Distr 
13. CAPE COAST (Ghana, 2004-2008): project ’Female-student’s sponsorship award’ Miss E Amedior at Cape Coast University, CapeCoast Dist 
14-21. DODI PAPASE (Ghana, (1986-2011): project ‘Farming tools for farmers Nyounku No.1 Moblsquad’;Kadjebi District 
(15). project ‘Clothing assistance for hospital workers and youth farmers’; Kadjebi District 
(16) project ‘VVDP for MaryTheresa Pre-school building’; Kadjebi District 
(17) project ‘VVDP for Junior High School buildings’; Kadjebi District 
(18) project ‘VVDP for Junior High School vocational skills Workshop’; Kadjebi District 
(19) project ‘Sarana Welzijn Donation 40 hospital beds and 87-mattresses for Mary Theresa Hospital’; Kadjebi District 
(20) project School-lesson materials for Mary Theresa School; Kadjebi District 
(21) project School materials for Mary Theresia School; Kadjebi District 
(22) project Workgroup Educare Cultuurreis 2010 and Evang. Presbyt.ScholVisit 2010 Kadjebi District 
23. DZINDZISO (Ghana, 2005): project - Sakru Farmland for Landless Young farmers at Dzindzi, Kadjebi District 
24. ASHONGMAN (Ghana, 2007) project-(‘Women Micro Credit at Educare complex school; Accra District 
25. GHANA (Ghana, 1990-?) project Cultural advice Stg. Sarana on World Winkel local producers, Ghana: 
26. KINTAMPO (Ghana, 1996) project ‘Methodist Kindergarten building’ at Kintampo, Kintampo North District 
27. KINTAMPO (Ghana, 1996) project ‘Methodist Primary School building’ at Kintampo, Kintampo North District 
28. KUMASI (Ghana, 2010): project Students Grant for S. Amedorme (Univ. of Science & Techonlogy, K,SI District 
29. KUMASI (Ghana, 2008-?): project Students Grant J. Agbenorhevi (UST / Univ of Huddersfield, UK, K'si District 
30. BARBE (Mali, 2003): project Water (Drink en Irrigatie) Project voor dorpgemeenschap Barbe in Distict Mopti. 
31. BARBE (Mali, 2003): project Water Irrigation voor Associatie Wallou Gole, , dorpgemeenschap in Barbe, Mopti 
32. LUNGNI (Ghana, 2006): project ‘Micro credit forRural Women-farming / trading-group’, Numumba-South District 
33. NGARA (Tanzania, 2000): project ‘Demonstration School-farm St Albert's Secondery School, Rulenge District 
34. NGARA (Tanzania, 2001): project 'School-farm St Albert's Secondary School, Rulenge 
35. NGARA (Tanzania, 2001): project 'Leaching and Learning Aids for Albert's Secondary School' Rulenge District 
36. RULENGE (Tanzania, 2002): project 'Schoolfarm (equipment incl. Oxen)', St Albert's Secondary School Rulenge 
37. NGARA (Tanzania, 2003) project 'Sewing Project for Middle School Girls, Rulenge Diocese , Rulenge District 
38. NGARA (Tanzania, 2004): project RHEC-project, Rulenge Diocese Ngara(ma-Rulenge District 
39. NGARAMA (Tanzania, 2005): project St Augustine Ngarama Secondary School Farm, Ngarama 
40. BARAMBA / NGARA (Tanzania, 2005): project Vegetable garden for Baramba Girls' School , Baramba 
41. NGARA (Tanzania, 2006): project Baramba Girls School School-farm Ngara District 
42. SAMOEKOFE (Ghana, 2007): project ‘Educare Drinking water provisions’ at Samoekope, Ketu District 
43. ASHIAMAN (Ghana, 2007)): project ‘Educare Pre-school /kindergartens building , Tema District 
44. ASHIAMAN (Ghana, 2003-5: project Caretakers-Residence/Hostel facilities’ at (Bethlehem) Tema District 
45. ESSUEKYIR (Ghana, 2000): project ‘School furniture D/C Essuekyir School’ at Essuekyir (in Winneba District); 
46. SOKODE (Ghana, 2010-) project Nation-building through inter-inter-chieftaincy activities Sokode District; 
47. SEKYERE-(Ghana, 2003): project ‘ Hostel for Sekyere Rehabilatation Centre (SRC), Sekyere East District; 
48. SEKYERE-(Ghana, 2005): project Worship Building for Physically less-abled Youth at SRC, Sekyere East District 
49. SEKYERE-(Ghana, 2006): project Equipment for Sekyere Rehabilitation Centre at Sekyere, Sekyere East District 
50. TAFI-ATOME, (Ghana, 2006): project ‘Micro credit for talented kente weaver at rural settlement, Hohoe District 
51. TAKORADI (Ghana, 2005) project PABO Teaching Practice, R. Koster at New Takoradidi RC. Prim Mixed Sch., Takoradi District 
52. WINNEBA (Ghana, 2005) project Antropology Universitty of Utrecht, student M. Platteeuw, in Winneba District; 
53. WINNEBA (Ghana, 2005) project PABO Teaching Practice, student R. Koster at W'ba Univ. Prim Sch, Winneba District 
54. WINNIBA. (Ghana, 2010) project Students Grant for Ibrahim, Univ of Education, Winneba, Winneba District
55. ACCRA (Ghana, 2013) project School classroom furniture Busuku-Ashongman projectschool; Greater Accra District

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Stichting Basic Education Care (EDUCARE)                             KvK: Alkmaar 41241110

John Duphey + 31 (0)6 46 12 22 60                            

                                                                                          RSIN 804172122


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